Ny Kunstbog om Lotte Kjøllers liv og virke af kunsthistoriker, mag.art. Lise-Lotte Blom udkommer snart           /            NEW ART BOOK ABOUT LOTTE KJoeLLER'S LIFE AND WORK BY ART HISTORY, MAG.ART. LISE-LOTTE BLOM IS COMING SOON

Lotte Kjoeller 54 years old in her own Gallery Lk- kunst.dk, Copenhagen, Denmark 2020

Kunsthistoriker / Art Historian Mag. Art. Lise-Lotte Blom about 60 years old.


A young Lotte Kjoeller about 30 years old is painting in her art studeo, Copenhagen, Denmark

Lotte Kjøllers billedverden – Lotte Kjøllers malerier, skulpturer, digte og billeddigte fra LivLøber:           /           LOTTE KJoeLLER'S PICTURE WORLD - LOTTE KJØLLER'S PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, POEMS AND PICTURE POEMS FROM LIFE CAREER:


En bog om Lotte Kjøller liv som kunstner af kunsthistoriker og skribent på Kunstavisen; Lise-Lotte Blom. Foruden tekst om Lottes liv som kunstner, er bogen rigt illustreret med store gengivelser af værker, og kan fint fungere som et katalog. Bogen er skrevet af kunsthistoriker, mag.art. Lise-Lotte Blom, der har skrevet mange andre kunstbøger og artikler om kunstnere gennem sin flotte karriere, og som nu er fast skribent på Kunstavisen. Lotte Kjøllers ”LivLøber” unicadigtsamling findes bagerst i bogen som en kopi af et sådanne håndcoloureret eksemplar (præcis det eksemplar, der er dedikeret til exhusbond Lars Frantsen). Når bogen er udgivet, kan du købe den her.


Kan forudbestilles i webshoppen link


A book about Lotte Kjoeller's life as an artist by art historian Mag.Art. and writer at Kunstavisen Artnewspaper; Lise-Lotte Blom. In addition to text about Lotte's life as an artist, the book is richly illustrated with large reproductions of works, and can function as well as a catalog. The book is written by art historian, mag.art. Lise-Lotte Blom, who has written many other art books and articles about artists throughout her illustrious career, and who is now a regular writer at Kunstavisen Art newspaper. Lotte Kjoeller's "LivLober" unica poem collection can be found at the back of the book as a copy of such a hand-colored copy (exactly the copy dedicated to ex husband Lars Frantsen). Once the book is published, you can purchase it here.


Can be pre-ordered in the webshop link

Lotte Kjoeller with her painting The Blue Universe, which was sold in SAK Exhibitionhall 2017

Lotte Kjoeller as curator in SAK Exhibitionhall 2017

Lotte Kjoeller in her installation "In the beginning was the picture", vARTe Exhibitionhall, Varde 2018

Lotte Kjoeller left as curator. Mette Kristensen head of vARTe Exhibitionhall was right. 2018

Lotte Kjøller, billedkunstner. Havekrogen 3, 2 tv. 2720 Vanløse. Danmark. Tlf. 2383 0717. site: www.Lk-kunst.dk mail: Lk@Lk-kunst.dk          /         LOTTE KØLLER, Visual ARTIST. HAVEKROGEN 3, 2 TV. 2720 UNEMPLOYED. DENMARK. TEL. 2383 0717. SITE: WWW.LK-KUNST.DK MAIL: LK@LK-KUNST.DK


Lotte Kjøller, der er født i 1966 i Køge, er uddannet hos billedkunstneren Jeff Ibbo 1992-95 efterfulgt af flere studieophold i udlandet bl.a. i  Paris på Ecole Des Beaux Artes i 1997. Hun arbejder med maleri og skulptur og har udstillet i ind- og udland, bl.a. på en række censurerede udstillinger fra 1995: KE og KS flere gange.


Det nære liv og det eksistentielle tages som udgangspunkt

Lotte Kjøller tager altid udgangspunkt i menneskelige relationer. Det kan være med sig selv som udgangspunkt. Det vil sige erindringsbilleder fra barndommen eller den tidlige ungdom. Det kan være referencer til mennesker, som hun har mødt i det konkrete barndommens landskab (Vesterhavet eller Nykøbing Sjælland). Det kan også være et drømmelandskab, hvor der indplaceres mennesker, som betyder meget for hende. Hun har således en mandlig muse, der ofte ses i hendes billeder. Nutid og fortid kædes sammen i  det samme billede. Ordbilleder forekommer. Musik, leg og drømmesekvenser ses – og værkerne er altid udført med en rig stoflighed i de sprudlende ekspressive og ofte dristige farvekombinationer.


Lotte Kjøllers motivverden

I de senere år har Lotte Kjøller bl.a. arbejdet med kristne motiver, fx  temaet Effatha. Om dette siger hun selv: Effatha betyder: ”Luk dig op”, og er et ord Jesus bruger til at helbrede en blind mand. Og vi trænger alle til at lukke os op. For hinanden og overfor Gud, så vi kan se klart igen. Jesus gør os her opmærksom på at ved at åbne vores øjne og se sammen med Gud, så forandres vores liv og vi ser på en helt anden måde – gennem ham.  Med henvisning til dette ses ofte kristne symboler i hendes billeder, jf. fx billedet Guds lam fra 2010. Her ses et lam (Jesus) sammen med en række antydede skikkelser i et kosmisk rum. Billedet, der er 100 x 100 cm er udført i akryl og bladguld på lærred. Det sakrale element understreges af guldbelægningen.


Som nævnt tager hun udgangspunkt i det levede liv. Det gøres ved at hun indplacerer sig selv i  sit eget malerunivers (kunstneren ses ofte nøgen med en malerpensel i hånden) og/eller  fotos af kunstneren selv i forskellige situationer.  Dette kan være kombineret med eksempler på betydningsfulde mennesker i hendes liv, fx ses ofte en mand (hendes ex-mand) spillende på en guitar . Elementer der eksemplificerer at hendes værker er ærlige og vedkommende. Hun formår at gøre det specifikke til noget alment.


Lise-Lotte Blom, kunsthistoriker, mag.art. kunstkritiker 2012


Lotte Kjoeller, who was born in 1966 in Køge, was educated by the visual artist Jeff Ibbo 1992-95, followed by several study stays abroad, among others. in Paris at the Ecole Des Beaux Artes in 1997. She works with painting and sculpture and has exhibited at home and abroad, among others. at a number of censored exhibitions from 1995: KE and KS several times.


The near life and the existential are taken as a starting point

Lotte Kjoeller is always based on human relationships. It can be with herself as a starting point. That is, reminiscences from childhood or early adolescence. These may be references to people she has met in the concrete landscape of her childhood (the North Sea or Nykobing town at the iceland Sjealland). It can also be a dream landscape where people are placed who mean a lot to her. She thus has a male muse that is often seen in her pictures. Present and past are linked in the same picture. Word pictures occur. Music, play and dream sequences are seen - and the works are always done with a rich texture in the exuberant expressive and often bold color combinations.


Lotte Kjoeller's motifs world

In recent years, Lotte Kjoeller has, among other things. the workt with Christian motifs, eg the theme Effatha. About this she herself says: Effatha means: "Open up", and is a word Jesus uses to heal a blind man. And we all need to shut ourselves up. For each other and before God so that we can see clearly again. Jesus draws our attention here to the fact that by opening our eyes and looking with God, our lives change and we see in a completely different way - through him. With reference to this, Christian symbols are often seen in her paintings, for example the painting God's Lamb from 2010. Here a lamb (Jesus) is seen together with a number of suggested figures in a cosmic space. The painting, which is 100 x 100 cm, is made of acrylic and gold leaf on canvas. The sacred element is emphasized by the gold plating.


As mentioned, she is based on the lived life. This is done by placing herself in her own painting universe (the artist is often seen naked with a paintbrush in hand) and / or photos of the artist herself in different situations. This can be combined with examples of important people in her life, eks. a man (her ex-husband) is often seen playing a guitar. Elements that exemplify that her works are honest and pertinent. She manages to make it specific to something general.


Lise-Lotte Blom, art historian, mag.art. art critic 2012


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