illustrations teen - adults
Jeg illustrerer bøger både for børn og voksne. Mine illustrationer til store børn og voksne er billeddigte hvilket vil sige et meget kompliseret vers eller digt der lægger sig op ad teksten i bogen uden at være for afslørende og informativ, så læseren med sin egen fantasi og abstraktionsevne er i stand til at bygge videre på mit "vers".
2012: Lukkede øjne. Enkelt illustration til eksamensopgave i hæfte. Dansklærerforeningens forlag.
I illustrate books for both children and adults. My illustrations for large children and adults are pictorial, which means a very complicated verse or poem that builds on the text in the book without being too revealing and informative, so that the reader with his own imagination and ability to abstraction is able to build on this "verse".
2012: Closed Eyes. Simple illustration for exam exercise paper in Danish. The Danish Teachers' Association's publisher. Illustration of Lotte Kjoeller: Collage of drawings and photo made on paper, with water colour, ink and pencil.
2016: "He is my strength and power". Illustration to Artistbook by Lotte Kjoeller. accordion book. A collage made on paper with mixed media, photo, ink and water colour.
An insight into the life of a foreign woman in Bornholm with pictures and lyricism. Once upon Bornholm, I found a bridal Bible in a recycling shop. It fancied me. It is the new testament and in front of the book, the woman had the space to write her entire story of who she got married to her mother, father and children. The year they died and who they got married with, etc. An insight into the history of a whole family - forgotten for many - but the story of this strange ordinary woman is here made for a unique accordion book illustrated - and a poem written by - Lotte Kjoeller . The title refers to the poem.
2002: Steder i Drømme af Adil Erdem med illustrationer af Lotte kjoeller
Letlæsebog med digte af Adil Erdem om at være fremmed i et fremmed land til store børn og læsesvage voksne. Min debut bog der fik mig optaget i Dansk Forfatterforening. Illustreret med billeddigte.
Easy-to-read book with poems by Adil Erdem about being a foreigner in a foreign country for large children and dyslexic adults. My debut book that got me admitted to the Danish Writers' Association. Illustrated with pictorial poems.
3 illustrations of Lotte Kjoeller: Collage of drawings and photo made on paper, with water colour, ink and pencil.
2004: Livløber digtcyklus skrevet og illustreret med billeddigte og digte af Lotte Kjoeller
"Livløber" digtcyklus er en artistbook der både er et kunstværk og en bog på samme tid. Den er illustreret med 12 billeddigte der til sammen danner et digt sammen med sprogdigte med samme tema. Skrevet og illustreret af Lotte Kjoeller.
"Livlober" poetry cycle is an artist book that is both a work of art and a book at the same time. It is illustrated with 12 pictorial poems that together form a poem together with language poems with the same theme. Written and illustrated by Lotte Kjoeller.
3 illustrations of Lotte Kjoeller: Collage of drawings and photo made on paper, with water colour, ink and pencil. Lotte Kjoeller poems underneath.
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