Børnebog/Children book, dk Language: GULDNÆSEN


DK: Børnebog: "Guldnæsen" med 1 illustration af Lotte Kjøller

2006: "Guldnæsen"
Fra Høst og Søn. Redigeret af Nanna Gyldenkærne. Skrevet og illustreret af illustratorer fra Dansk Forfatterforening - bl.a Lotte Kjøller side 98-99.

ENG: Children's book: "Guldnæsen" (Gold Nose) with 1 illustration by Lotte Kjøller 2006: "Guldnæsen" From Autumn and Sun. Edited by Nanna Gyldenkærne. Written and illustrated by illustrators from the Danish Writers' Association - including Lotte Kjøller pages 98-99.